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The Gracie Louise Kerr Forever Fund
The Gracie Louise Kerr Forever Fund
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Lit by Everyone at Meningitis Now on 11th December 2024
Lit by Katie Kerr on 24th December 2022
Lit by Auntie Christy on 15th February 2022
Lit by Nanna & grandad on 15th February 2022
Lit by Nanna & grandad on 15th February 2022
Lit by Jackie Kerr on 25th December 2021
Lit on 25th December 2019
Lit by Grandma and Granddad on 15th February 2018
Lit by Doreen Rhodes on 15th February 2018
Lit by Jackie & vince on 15th February 2018
Lit by Sara Crawford on 15th February 2018
Lit by Auntie Christy on 15th February 2018
Lit by Robyn Bruce on 26th December 2017
Lit by Dawn Bruce on 25th December 2017
Lit by Katie Kerr on 24th December 2017
Lit by Jackie & vince on 24th December 2017
Lit by Doreen Rhodes on 11th November 2017
Lit by Auntie Katie, Uncle Lee, Oliver and Jack xxx on 15th February 2017
Lit by Auntie Christy on 15th February 2017
Lit by Auntie Christy on 25th December 2016
Lit by Dawn Bruce on 25th December 2016
Lit by Grandma Doreen on 5th October 2016
Lit by Auntie Robyn xxx on 17th February 2016
Lit by Doreen on 15th February 2016
Lit by Lesley Wood on 15th February 2016
Lit by Katie Kerr on 15th February 2016
Lit by Auntie Christy on 15th February 2016
Lit by Grandma Dawn and Grandad Mark on 15th February 2016
Lit by Auntie Christy on 27th December 2015
Lit by Dawn Bruce on 25th December 2015
Lit by Auntie Christy on 17th February 2015
Lit by Lesley Wood on 15th February 2015
Lit by Dawn Bruce on 15th February 2015
Lit by Auntie Christy on 15th February 2015
Lit by Katie Kerr on 15th February 2015
Lit by Auntie Christy on 26th December 2014
Lit by Grandma Dawn and Grandad Mark on 25th December 2014
Lit by sonya on 23rd December 2014
Lit by Kelsey Kerr on 23rd December 2014
Lit by Lesley Wood x on 16th December 2014
Lit by Mrs Doreen Rhodes on 22nd August 2014
Lit by Miss Kelsey Bruce on 19th March 2014
Lit by Mrs Michelle Saddington on 17th February 2014
Lit by Miss Becky Hunter on 17th February 2014
Lit by Miss Robyn Bruce on 17th February 2014
Lit by Miss Becky Hunter on 17th February 2014
Lit by Mrs Allison Richmond on 15th February 2014
Lit by Mrs Dawn Bruce on 15th February 2014
Lit by Mrs Dawn Bruce on 15th February 2014
Lit by Mrs CHRISTY HIRST on 15th February 2014
Lit by Miss Kelsey Bruce on 15th February 2014
Lit by Mrs Doreen Rhodes on 15th February 2014
Lit by Mrs Lorraine Ann Foster on 15th February 2014
Lit by Mrs Sara Crawford on 15th February 2014
Lit by Mrs Katie Leanne Kerr on 15th February 2014
Lit by Mrs jackie kerr on 14th February 2014
Lit by Mrs jackie kerr on 14th February 2014
Lit by Mrs Lesley Wood on 14th February 2014
Lit by Mrs CHRISTY HIRST on 31st December 2013
Lit by Mr Luke Richmond on 28th December 2013
Lit by Mrs Dawn Bruce on 25th December 2013
Lit by Mrs Dawn Bruce on 25th December 2013
Lit by Miss Kelsey Bruce on 25th December 2013
Lit by Mrs Sara Crawford on 24th December 2013
Lit by Mrs Allison Richmond on 24th December 2013
Lit by Mrs jackie kerr on 24th December 2013
Lit by Mrs jackie kerr on 24th December 2013
Lit by Mrs jackie kerr on 24th December 2013
Lit by Mrs Katie Leanne Kerr on 24th December 2013
Lit by Miss Becky Hunter on 20th December 2013
Lit by Miss gina rhodes on 19th July 2013
Lit by Mrs CHRISTY HIRST on 14th July 2013
Lit by Mrs Doreen Rhodes on 29th June 2013
Lit by Miss Kelsey Bruce on 3rd April 2013
Lit on 17th February 2013
Lit by Miss Robyn Bruce on 17th February 2013
Lit by Mr Michael foster on 16th February 2013
Lit by Miss Kelsey Bruce on 16th February 2013
Lit by Mrs Dawn Bruce on 16th February 2013
Lit by Mrs Allison Richmond on 15th February 2013
Lit by Miss Becky Hunter on 15th February 2013
Lit by Mrs Katie Kerr on 15th February 2013
Lit by Mrs jackie anne kerr on 15th February 2013
Lit by Mrs jackie anne kerr on 15th February 2013
Lit by Mrs Sara Crawford on 15th February 2013
Lit by Mrs CHRISTY HIRST on 14th February 2013
Lit by Mrs Doreen Rhodes on 14th February 2013
Lit by Mrs Lesley Wood on 13th February 2013
Lit by Mrs jackie kerr on 27th December 2012
Lit by Mrs jackie kerr on 27th December 2012
Lit by Miss Kelsey Bruce on 25th December 2012
Lit by Mrs CHRISTY HIRST on 25th December 2012
Lit by Robyn Bruce on 25th December 2012
Lit by Mrs Dawn Bruce on 25th December 2012
Lit on 25th December 2012
Lit by Mrs Sara Crawford on 25th December 2012
Lit by Mrs Allison Richmond on 24th December 2012
Lit by Mrs Katie Leanne Kerr on 23rd December 2012
Lit by Mrs Samara Jayne Bruce on 22nd December 2012
Lit by Mrs Samara Jayne Bruce on 22nd December 2012
Lit by Miss Robyn Bruce on 17th February 2012
Lit by Mr James Harry Nichols on 17th February 2012
Lit on 16th February 2012
Lit on 16th February 2012
Lit by Mrs Lorraine foster on 15th February 2012
Lit by Miss Becky Hunter on 15th February 2012
Lit by Miss Becky Hunter on 15th February 2012
Lit by Miss Becky Hunter on 15th February 2012
Lit by Mrs allison richmond on 15th February 2012
Lit by Mrs Sara Crawford on 15th February 2012
Lit by Miss Kelsey Bruce on 15th February 2012
Lit by Mrs jackie kerr on 15th February 2012
Lit by Mrs jackie kerr on 15th February 2012
Lit by Mrs Katie Leanne Kerr on 15th February 2012
Lit by Mrs CHRISTY LOUISE HIRST on 15th February 2012
Lit by Mrs CHRISTY LOUISE HIRST on 15th February 2012
Lit by Mrs Dawn Bruce on 15th February 2012
Lit by Mrs Dawn Bruce on 15th February 2012
Lit by Mrs CHRISTY HIRST on 1st January 2012
Lit by Mrs Dawn Kathryn Bruce on 25th December 2011
Lit by Mrs Dawn Kathryn Bruce on 25th December 2011
Lit by Mrs allison richmond on 25th December 2011
Lit by Miss Kelsey Bruce on 25th December 2011
Lit by Mrs Katie Leanne Kerr on 24th December 2011
Lit by Mrs jackie kerr on 24th December 2011
Lit by Mrs jackie kerr on 24th December 2011
Lit by Mrs jackie kerr on 24th December 2011
Lit on 20th December 2011
Lit by Mrs Sara Crawford on 19th December 2011
Lit by Miss Katie Bruce on 14th November 2011
Lit by Miss Kelsey Bruce on 21st September 2011
Lit by Rachel Bruce on 28th June 2011
Lit by Mrs CHRISTY LOUISE HIRST on 23rd April 2011
Lit by Mrs Dawn Bruce on 30th March 2011
Lit by Mrs Samara Bruce on 25th March 2011
Lit by Mrs Samara Bruce on 25th March 2011
Lit by Miss Katie Bruce on 21st March 2011
Lit by Mrs Dawn Bruce on 9th March 2011
Lit on 2nd March 2011
Lit on 2nd March 2011
Lit by Miss Michelle Connolly on 18th February 2011
Lit by Miss Michelle Connolly on 18th February 2011
Lit by Mrs Doreen Rhodes on 17th February 2011
Lit by Mrs Katie Leanne Kerr on 16th February 2011
Lit on 16th February 2011
Lit by Mrs Dawn Bruce on 15th February 2011
Lit by Mrs kelsey Bruce on 15th February 2011
Lit by Mrs Christy Louise Hirst on 15th February 2011
Lit by Mrs Christy Louise Hirst on 15th February 2011
Lit by Mrs Christy Louise Hirst on 15th February 2011
Lit by Mrs Lorriane Ann foster on 15th February 2011
Lit by Mrs Dawn Bruce on 15th February 2011
Lit by Mrs Dawn Bruce on 15th February 2011
Lit by Mrs Sara Crawford on 15th February 2011
Lit by Mrs Jackie Kerr on 15th February 2011
Lit by Mrs Jackie Kerr on 15th February 2011
Lit by Mrs Jackie Kerr on 15th February 2011
Lit by Mrs Lesley Wood on 15th February 2011
Lit by Mrs Rachel Bruce on 15th February 2011
Lit by Mrs allison richmond on 15th February 2011
Lit by Mr Lee Vincent Kerr on 16th January 2011
Lit by Mr Lee Vincent Kerr on 16th January 2011
Lit by Mr Lee Vincent Kerr on 16th January 2011
Lit by Miss Katie Bruce on 14th January 2011
Lit by Mrs Doreen Rhodes on 7th January 2011
Lit by Miss becky hunter on 4th January 2011
Lit by Mrs Sara Crawford on 29th December 2010
Lit on 27th December 2010
Lit by Miss Kelsey Bruce on 25th December 2010
Lit by Mrs Allison Richmond on 25th December 2010
Lit by Mrs Dawn Bruce on 25th December 2010
Lit on 25th December 2010
Lit by Mrs Katie Leanne Kerr on 24th December 2010
Lit by Mr mark gerald leslie bruce on 24th December 2010
Lit by Mr Neil Bruce on 24th December 2010
Lit by Mrs CHRISTY HIRST on 24th December 2010
Lit by Mrs Christy Hirst on 24th December 2010
Lit by Mr Vincent P Kerr on 22nd December 2010
Lit by Mr Vincent P Kerr on 22nd December 2010
Lit by Mr Vincent P Kerr on 22nd December 2010
Lit by Mr Vincent P Kerr on 22nd December 2010
Lit by Mr Vincent P Kerr on 22nd December 2010
Lit by Mr Vincent P Kerr on 22nd December 2010
Lit by Mr Vincent P Kerr on 22nd December 2010
Lit by Mr Vincent P Kerr on 22nd December 2010
Lit by Mr Vincent P Kerr on 22nd December 2010
Lit by Mr Vincent P Kerr on 22nd December 2010
Lit by Mr Vincent P Kerr on 22nd December 2010
Lit by Mr Vincent P Kerr on 22nd December 2010
Lit by Mr Vincent P Kerr on 22nd December 2010
Lit by Mr Vincent P Kerr on 22nd December 2010
Lit by Mr Vincent P Kerr on 22nd December 2010
Lit by Mr Vincent P Kerr on 22nd December 2010
Lit by Mr Vincent P Kerr on 22nd December 2010
Lit by Mr Vincent P Kerr on 22nd December 2010
Lit by Mr Vincent P Kerr on 22nd December 2010
Lit by Mr Vincent P Kerr on 22nd December 2010
Lit by Mr Vincent P Kerr on 22nd December 2010
Lit by Mr Vincent P Kerr on 22nd December 2010
Lit by Mr Vincent P Kerr on 22nd December 2010
Lit by Mr Vincent P Kerr on 22nd December 2010
Lit by Mr Vincent P Kerr on 22nd December 2010
Lit by Mr Vincent P Kerr on 22nd December 2010
Lit by Mr Vincent P Kerr on 22nd December 2010
Lit by Mr Vincent P Kerr on 22nd December 2010
Lit by Mr Vincent P Kerr on 22nd December 2010
Lit by Mr Vincent P Kerr on 22nd December 2010
Lit by Mr Vincent P Kerr on 22nd December 2010
Lit by Mr Vincent P Kerr on 22nd December 2010
Lit by Mr Vincent P Kerr on 22nd December 2010
Lit by Mr Vincent P Kerr on 22nd December 2010
Lit by Mr Vincent P Kerr on 22nd December 2010
Lit by Mr Vincent P Kerr on 22nd December 2010
Lit by Mr Vincent P Kerr on 22nd December 2010
Lit by Mr Vincent P Kerr on 22nd December 2010
Lit by Mr Vincent P Kerr on 22nd December 2010
Lit by Mr Vincent P Kerr on 22nd December 2010
Lit by Mr Vincent P Kerr on 22nd December 2010
Lit by Mr Vincent P Kerr on 22nd December 2010
Lit by Mr Vincent P Kerr on 22nd December 2010
Lit by Mr Vincent P Kerr on 22nd December 2010
Lit by Mr Vincent P Kerr on 22nd December 2010
Lit by Mr Vincent P Kerr on 22nd December 2010
Lit by Mr Vincent P Kerr on 22nd December 2010
Lit by Mr Vincent P Kerr on 22nd December 2010
Lit by Mr Vincent P Kerr on 22nd December 2010
Lit by Mr Vincent P Kerr on 22nd December 2010
Lit by Mrs Louise E Thomas on 2nd December 2010
Lit by Miss Kelsey Bruce on 24th November 2010
Lit by Mrs Katie Leanne Kerr on 20th November 2010
Lit by Miss Katie Bruce on 17th November 2010
Lit by Miss Katie Bruce on 21st October 2010
Lit by Mrs Katie Leanne Kerr on 25th September 2010
Lit by Miss Joelene Topham on 26th August 2010
Lit by Mr Neil Bruce on 21st February 2010
Lit by Mr Neil Bruce on 21st February 2010
Lit by Mr Neil Bruce on 21st February 2010
Lit by Mr Lee Pickford on 18th February 2010
Lit by Mrs Lorraine Holt on 17th February 2010
Lit by Mrs Doreen Rhodes on 17th February 2010
Lit by Mrs Doreen Rhodes on 17th February 2010
Lit by Mrs Doreen Rhodes on 17th February 2010
Lit by Miss Kelsey Bruce on 16th February 2010
Lit by Mrs Lorraine Ann Foster on 15th February 2010
Lit by Mrs Rachel Bruce on 15th February 2010
Lit by Mrs Lesley Wood on 15th February 2010
Lit by Mrs CHRISTY LOUISE HIRST on 15th February 2010
Lit by Mrs CHRISTY LOUISE HIRST on 15th February 2010
Lit by Mrs Dawn K Bruce on 15th February 2010
Lit by Mrs Dawn Bruce on 15th February 2010
Lit by Mr Lee Vincent Kerr on 15th February 2010
Lit by Mrs Tracy Hays on 15th February 2010
Lit by Mrs allison richmond on 15th February 2010
Lit by Mrs Tracy Hays on 15th February 2010
Lit by Mrs Tracy Hays on 15th February 2010
Lit by Mrs Sara Crawford on 15th February 2010
Lit by Mrs jackie kerr on 15th February 2010
Lit by Mrs jackie kerr on 15th February 2010
Lit on 30th January 2010
Lit by Miss Kelsey Bruce on 25th December 2009
Lit by Mrs Sara Crawford on 25th December 2009
Lit by Mr jackie kerr on 25th December 2009
Lit by Mr jackie kerr on 25th December 2009
Lit by Mrs Allison Richmond on 25th December 2009
Lit by Mrs Christy Louise Hirst on 25th December 2009
Lit by Mrs Dawn Kathryn Bruce on 25th December 2009
Lit by Mrs Dawn Kathryn Bruce on 25th December 2009
Lit by Mr Allison Richmond on 24th December 2009
Lit by Mr Sally Mason on 16th December 2009
Lit by Mrs Doreen Rhodes on 6th December 2009
Lit by Mrs Doreen Rhodes on 6th December 2009
Lit by Mrs Doreen Rhodes on 6th December 2009
Lit by Miss Zoe Kemp on 28th November 2009
Lit by Miss Zoe Kemp on 28th November 2009
Lit by Mrs Eirian Baker on 23rd November 2009
Lit by Mrs Eirian Baker on 23rd November 2009
Lit by Mrs Doreen Rhodes on 20th November 2009
Lit by Mrs Doreen Rhodes on 20th November 2009
Lit by Mr daniel blackburn on 19th November 2009
Lit by Miss Samara Ingham on 17th November 2009
Lit by Mrs Bronnie Rhodes on 16th November 2009
Lit by Mrs Bronnie Rhodes on 16th November 2009
Lit by Miss Vicky Wharton on 16th November 2009
Lit by Mrs Hazel Moira Kaddish on 10th November 2009
Lit by Ms Karen McGowan on 10th November 2009
Lit by Miss becky hunter on 10th November 2009
Lit by Mr Adrian Neil Mason on 9th November 2009
Lit by Mrs Christy Louise Hirst on 8th November 2009
Lit by Mrs Christy Louise Hirst on 8th November 2009
Lit by Miss Michelle Connolly on 7th November 2009
Lit by Miss Natalie Jayne Lalic on 6th November 2009
Lit by Miss Hollie Johnson on 5th November 2009
Lit by Ms Narda Victoria Lalic on 4th November 2009
Lit by Mr Neil Bruce on 4th November 2009
Lit by Mr Neil Bruce on 4th November 2009
Lit by Mr Neil Bruce on 4th November 2009
Lit by Mr Neil Bruce on 4th November 2009
Lit by Mr Neil Bruce on 4th November 2009
Lit by Mr Richard Powell on 4th November 2009
Lit by Mr vince kerr on 3rd November 2009
Lit by Mr vince kerr on 3rd November 2009
Lit by Mr vince kerr on 3rd November 2009
Lit by Mr vince kerr on 3rd November 2009
Lit by Mr vince kerr on 3rd November 2009
Lit by Mr vince kerr on 3rd November 2009
Lit by Mr vince kerr on 3rd November 2009
Lit by Mr vince kerr on 3rd November 2009
Lit by Mr vince kerr on 3rd November 2009
Lit by Mr vince kerr on 3rd November 2009
Lit by Mr Tom Butler on 2nd November 2009
Lit by Miss Robyn Melissa Bruce on 2nd November 2009
Lit by Mrs Dawn Bruce on 2nd November 2009
Lit by Mrs Dawn Bruce on 2nd November 2009
Lit by Miss Donna Marie Rodwell on 2nd November 2009
Lit by Mr Michelle Firth on 2nd November 2009
Lit by Mr Lee Vincent Kerr on 1st November 2009
Lit by Mr Lee Vincent Kerr on 1st November 2009
Lit by Mr Lee Vincent Kerr on 1st November 2009
Lit by Mr Lee Vincent Kerr on 1st November 2009
Lit by Mr Lee Vincent Kerr on 1st November 2009
Lit by Mrs jacqueline anne kerr on 31st October 2009
Lit by Mrs jacqueline anne kerr on 31st October 2009
Lit by Mrs jacqueline anne kerr on 31st October 2009
Lit by Mrs jacqueline anne kerr on 31st October 2009
Lit by Mrs jacqueline anne kerr on 31st October 2009
Lit by Mrs jacqueline anne kerr on 31st October 2009
Lit by Mrs jacqueline anne kerr on 31st October 2009
Lit by Mrs jacqueline anne kerr on 31st October 2009
Lit by Mrs jacqueline anne kerr on 31st October 2009
Lit by Mrs jacqueline anne kerr on 31st October 2009
Lit by Mr Matty Shaw on 31st October 2009
Lit by Mr James Rotchell on 31st October 2009
Lit by Mr Michael Foster on 31st October 2009
Lit by Mrs Rachel Claire Bruce on 31st October 2009
Lit by Mrs Emma Elizabeth Adams on 31st October 2009
Lit by Mr Declan Butters on 31st October 2009
Lit by Miss Samantha Marie Dove on 30th October 2009
Lit by Mrs CHRISTY LOUISE HIRST on 30th October 2009
Lit by Miss Samantha Marie Dove on 30th October 2009
Lit by Mrs CHRISTY LOUISE HIRST on 30th October 2009
Lit by Mrs Jackie Rumblow on 30th October 2009
Lit by Miss Amy Rumblow on 30th October 2009
Lit by Miss Kelsey Bruce on 30th October 2009
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